Displaying 101 - 125 of 208
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Unit Publication
Yeh CH
Al-Fatly B
Kühn AA
Meidahl AC
Tinkhauser G
Tan H
Brown P
2020. Clin. Neurophysiol., 131(9):2086-2099.
Unit Publication
Barron HC
Auksztulewicz R
Friston KJ
2020. Prog. Neurobiol., 192:101821.
Unit Publication
van Swieten MMH
Bogacz R
2020. PLoS Comput. Biol., 16(5):e1007465.
Unit Publication
Little S
Brown P
2020. Mov. Disord., 35(4):555-561.
Unit Publication
He S
Everest-Phillips C
Clouter A
Brown P
Tan H
2020. J. Neurosci., 40(20):4021-4032.
Unit Publication
McClelland VM
Cvetkovic Z
Lin JP
Mills KR
Brown P
2020. Clin. Neurophysiol., 131(4):967-977.
Unit Publication
Duchet B
Weerasinghe G
Cagnan H
Brown P
Bick C
Bogacz R
2020. J. Math. Neurosci., 10(1):4.
Unit Publication
Fischer P
Lipski WJ
Neumann WJ
Turner R
Fries P
Brown P
Richardson RM
2020. eLife, 9:e51956.
Unit Publication
Tinkhauser G
Torrecillos F
Pogosyan A
Mostofi A
Bange M
Fischer P
Tan H
Hasegawa H
Glaser M
Muthuraman M
Groppa S
Ashkan K
Pereira EA
Brown P

2020. J. Neurosci., 40(7):1571-1580.

Unit Publication
Khawaldeh S
Tinkhauser G
Shah SA
Petermann K
Debove I
Nguyen TAK
Nowacki A
Lachenmayer ML
Schuepbach M
Pollo C
Krack P
Woolrich M
Brown P
2020. Brain, 143(2):582-596.
Unit Publication
Torrecillos F
Falato E
Pogosyan A
West TO
Di Lazzaro V
Brown P
2020. J. Neurosci., 40(2):369-381.


Unit Publication
Kosillo P
Doig NM
Ahmed KM
Agopyan-Miu AHCW
Wong CD
Conyers L
Threlfell S
Magill PJ
Bateup HS
2019. Nat. Commun., 10(1):5426.
Unit Publication
Chen CC
Yeh CH
Chan HL
Chang YJ
Yeh CH
Fischer P
Tinkhauser G
Tan H
Brown P
2019. Neurobiol. Dis., 132:104605.
Unit Publication
Cagnan H
Denison T
McIntyre C
Brown P
2019. Nat. Biotechnol., 37(9):1024-1033.
Unit Publication
Richards BA
Lillicrap TP
Beaudoin P
Bengio Y
Bogacz R
Christensen A
Clopath C
Costa RP
de Berker A
Ganguli S
Gillon CJ
Hafner D
Kepecs A
Kriegeskorte N
Latham P
Lindsay GW
Miller KD
Naud R
Pack CC
Poirazi P
Roelfsema P
Sacramento J
Saxe A
Scellier B
Schapiro AC
Senn W
Wayne G
Yamins D
Zenke F
Zylberberg J
Therien D
Kording KP
2019. Nat. Neurosci., 22:1761-1770.
Unit Publication
Weerasinghe G
Duchet B
Cagnan H
Brown P
Bick C
Bogacz R
2019. PLoS Comput. Biol., 15(8):e1006575.
Unit Publication
Cagnan H
Mallet N
Moll CK
Gulberti A
Holt AB
Westphal M
Gerloff C
Engel AK
Hamel W
Magill PJ
Brown P
Sharott A
2019. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 116:16095-16104.
Unit Publication
Salib M
Joshi A
Katona L
Howarth M
Micklem BR
Somogyi P
Viney TJ
2019. J. Neurosci., 39:4527-4549.
Unit Publication
Lofredi R
Tan H
Neumann WJ
Yeh CH
Schneider GH
Kühn AA
Brown P
2019. Neurobiol. Dis., 127:462-471.
Unit Publication
Möller M
Bogacz R
2019. PLoS Comput. Biol., 15(2):e1006285.
Unit Publication
Reis C
Sharott A
Magill PJ
van Wijk B
Parr T
Zeidman P
Friston KJ
Cagnan H
2019. Neuroimage, 193:103-114.
Unit Publication
Fischer P
Pogosyan A
Green AL
Aziz TZ
Hyam J
Foltynie T
Limousin P
Zrinzo L
Samuel M
Ashkan K
Da Lio M
De Cecco M
Fornaser A
Brown P
Tan H
2019. Neurobiol. Dis., 127:253-263.
Unit Publication
Tan H
Debarros J
He S
Pogosyan A
Aziz TZ
Huang Y
Wang S
Timmermann L
Visser-Vandewalle V
Pedrosa D
Green AL
Brown P
2019. Brain Stimul., 12(4):858-867.
Unit Publication
Meidahl AC
Moll CK
van Wijk B
Gulberti A
Tinkhauser G
Westphal M
Engel AK
Hamel W
Brown P
Sharott A
2019. Neurobiol. Dis., 127:101-113.