Dr Jean Debarros
Dr Jean Debarros
My research focuses on developing adaptive 'smart' brain stimulation to alleviate symptoms in neurological disorders, primarily Parkinson's disease. The overarching goal is to lay the basis for the next generation of electroceutical treatments for Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders.
I use state-of-the-art modern control theory, data recorded in real-time from deep brain areas (e.g. the basal ganglia in Parkinson's disease) through electrodes implanted inside the brain, and other relevant pathognomonic data associated with the targeted neurological disorder. This approach allows closed-loop deep brain stimulation to adapt automatically to the person's current physiological stage and personal situation to alleviate symptoms.
This research uses various techniques, including advanced signal processing, system identification and modern control theory, to design a real-time control approach to surpass the currently available treatment of Parkinson's disease in terms of efficacy and efficiency.