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Unit Publication
Xie X
Zhang D
Yu T
Duan Y
Daly I
He S

2023. Front Hum Neurosci, 17:1280281.

Unit Publication
He S
Baig F
Merla A
Torrecillos F
Perera A
Wiest C
Debarros J
Benjaber M
Hart MG
Ricciardi L
Morgante F
Hasegawa H
Samuel M
Edwards MJ
Denison T
Pogosyan A
Ashkan K
Pereira EA
Tan H

2023. Brain, 146(12):5015-5030.

Unit Publication
Sermon JJ
Olaru M
Anso J
Cernera S
Little S
Shcherbakova M
Bogacz R
Starr P
Denison T
Duchet B

2023. Brain Stimul, 16(5):1412-1424.

Unit Publication
Martineau T
He S
Vaidyanathan R
Tan H

2023. Front Hum Neurosci, 17:1111590.

Unit Publication
Torrecillos F
He S
Kühn AA
Tan H

2023. NPJ Parkinsons Dis, 9(1):93.

Unit Publication
Duchet B
Bick C
Byrne Á

2023. Neural Comput, 35(9):1481-1528.

Unit Publication
Fernandez-Ruiz A
Sirota A
Lopes-Dos-Santos V
Dupret D

2023. Neuron, 111(7):936-953.

Unit Publication
Kondabolu K
Doig NM
Ayeko O
Khan B
Torres A
Calvigioni D
Meletis K
Koós T
Magill PJ

2023. eNeuro, 10(7).

Unit Publication
Herz DM
Bange M
Gonzalez-Escamilla G
Auer M
Muthuraman M
Glaser M
Bogacz R
Pogosyan A
Tan H
Groppa S
Brown P

2023. PLoS Biol, 21(6)e3002140.

Unit Publication
Koolschijn RS
Clarke WT
Emir UE
Barron HC

2023. Neuroimage, 276:120194.

Unit Publication
Herz DM
Brown P

2023. Brain, 146(9):3576-3586.

Unit Publication
Tang M
Salvatori T
Millidge B
Song Y
Lukasiewicz T
Bogacz R

2023. PLoS Comput Biol, 19(4)e1010719.

Unit Publication
Wiest C
Morgante F
Torrecillos F
Pogosyan A
He S
Baig F
Bertaina I
Hart MG
Edwards MJ
Pereira EA
Tan H

2023. Mov Disord, 38(3):423-434.

Unit Publication
van Swieten MMH
Bogacz R
Manohar S

2023. Brain Behav, 13(5)e2978.

Unit Publication
Wiest C
Torrecillos F
Pogosyan A
Bange M
Muthuraman M
Groppa S
Hulse N
Hasegawa H
Ashkan K
Baig F
Morgante F
Pereira EA
Mallet N
Magill PJ
Brown P
Sharott A
Tan H

2023. eLife, 12:e82467

Unit Publication
Duchet B
Sermon JJ
Weerasinghe G
Denison T
Bogacz R

2023. J Neural Eng, 20(2).

Unit Publication
Wiest C
He S
Duchet B
Pogosyan A
Benjaber M
Denison T
Hasegawa H
Ashkan K
Baig F
Bertaina I
Morgante F
Pereira EA
Torrecillos F
Tan H

2023. Neurobiol Dis, 178:106019.

Unit Publication
West TO
Duchet B
Farmer SF
Friston KJ
Cagnan H

2023. Prog Neurobiol, 221:102397.

Unit Publication
Shah A
Nguyen TAK
Petermann K
Khawaldeh S
Debove I
Shah SA
Torrecillos F
Tan H
Pogosyan A
Lachenmayer ML
Michelis J
Brown P
Pollo C
Krack P
Nowacki A
Tinkhauser G

2023. Neuromodulation, 26(2):320-332.


Unit Publication
Salvatori T
Pinchetti L
Millidge B
Song Y
Bao T
Bogacz R
Lukasiewicz T
2022. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 35, 38232-38244
Unit Publication
Deli A
Denison T
Green AL
2022. WO/2022/200814
Unit Publication
Torrecillos F
Tan H
Brown P
Capone F
Ricciuti R
Di Lazzaro V
Marano M

2022. Brain Stimul, 15(6):1513-1516.

Unit Publication
Millidge B
Salvatori T
Song Y
Lukasiewicz T
Bogacz R
2022. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 162:15561-15583
Unit Publication
Herz DM
Bange M
Gonzalez-Escamilla G
Auer M
Ashkan K
Fischer P
Tan H
Bogacz R
Muthuraman M
Groppa S
Brown P

2022. Nat Commun, 13(1):7530.