Yuhao Wang

Portrait photo of Yuhao Wang

Yuhao Wang

Research Student

Yuhao Wang graduated from Cambridge with a Master of Engineering in 2021 after specialising in information engineering and bioengineering in the latter half of the degree. He developed a strong interest in computational neuroscience during this time and completed his fourth year project in complex mathematical modelling of the biological synapse.

Yuhao started his D.Phil. in Clinical Neurosciences at Oxford in October 2021, supervised by Rafal Bogacz and Sanjay Manohar. His thesis research aims to provide a better understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying reinforcement learning. Specifically, Yuhao is currently working on modelling how the brain’s representation of uncertainty could help modulate exploratory behaviour in order to maximise the efficacy of learning. Yuhao mainly works with computational methods in collaboration with experimentalists.

Head of Group

Recent Publications

Unit Publication
Wang Y
Lak A
Manohar S
Bogacz R

2024. PLoS Comput Biol, 20(4)e1011516.