Displaying 1 - 25 of 61


Unit Publication
Fritsche M
Majumdar A
Strickland LAM
Liebana Garcia S
Bogacz R
Lak A

2024. Nat Commun, 15(1):7093.

Unit Publication
Duchet B
Bogacz R

2024. J Neural Eng, 21(4).

Unit Publication
Wang Y
Lak A
Manohar S
Bogacz R

2024. PLoS Comput Biol, 20(4)e1011516.

Unit Publication
Millidge B
Tang M
Osanlouy M
Harper NS
Bogacz R

2024. PLoS Comput Biol, 20(4)e1011183.

Unit Publication
Duchet B
Denison T
Bogacz R
2024. WO/2024/003537
Unit Publication
Salvatori T
Song Y
Yordanov Y
Millidge B
Sha L
Emde C
Xu Z
Bogacz R
Lukasiewicz T
2024. The Twelveth International Conference on Learning Representations
Unit Publication
Tang M
Barron HC
Bogacz R
Unit Publication
Song Y
Millidge B
Salvatori T
Lukasiewicz T
Xu Z
Bogacz R

2024. Nat Neurosci, 27(2):348-358.


Unit Publication
Millidge B
Song Y
Salvatori T
Lukasiewicz T
Bogacz R
2023. The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations
Unit Publication
Millidge B
Song Y
Salvatori T
Lukasiewicz T
Bogacz R
2023. The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations
Unit Publication
Calder-Travis J
Bogacz R
Yeung N
2023, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 117, 102815
Unit Publication
Sermon JJ
Olaru M
Anso J
Cernera S
Little S
Shcherbakova M
Bogacz R
Starr P
Denison T
Duchet B

2023. Brain Stimul, 16(5):1412-1424.

Unit Publication
Herz DM
Bange M
Gonzalez-Escamilla G
Auer M
Muthuraman M
Glaser M
Bogacz R
Pogosyan A
Tan H
Groppa S
Brown P

2023. PLoS Biol, 21(6)e3002140.

Unit Publication
Tang M
Salvatori T
Millidge B
Song Y
Lukasiewicz T
Bogacz R

2023. PLoS Comput Biol, 19(4)e1010719.

Unit Publication
van Swieten MMH
Bogacz R
Manohar S

2023. Brain Behav, 13(5)e2978.

Unit Publication
Duchet B
Sermon JJ
Weerasinghe G
Denison T
Bogacz R

2023. J Neural Eng, 20(2).


Unit Publication
Salvatori T
Pinchetti L
Millidge B
Song Y
Bao T
Bogacz R
Lukasiewicz T
2022. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 35, 38232-38244
Unit Publication
Millidge B
Salvatori T
Song Y
Lukasiewicz T
Bogacz R
2022. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 162:15561-15583
Unit Publication
Herz DM
Bange M
Gonzalez-Escamilla G
Auer M
Ashkan K
Fischer P
Tan H
Bogacz R
Muthuraman M
Groppa S
Brown P

2022. Nat Commun, 13(1):7530.

Unit Publication
Salvatori T
Song Y
Xu Z
Lukasiewicz T
Bogacz R
In Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence‚ AAAI 2022 ‚Vancouver, BC, Canada, February 22--March 1‚ 2022 (Vol. 10177, pp. 507-524). AAAI Press.
Unit Publication
Patai EZ
Foltynie T
Limousin P
Akram H
Zrinzo L
Bogacz R
Litvak V

2022. J Neurosci, 42(23):4681-4692.

Unit Publication
Möller M
Manohar S
Bogacz R

2022. PLoS Comput Biol, 18(5)e1009816.

Unit Publication
Weerasinghe G
Bogacz R
2022. WO/2022/029445
Unit Publication
Lefebvre G
Summerfield C
Bogacz R

2022. Neural Comput, 34(2):307-337.


Unit Publication
Zamora M
Meller S
Kajin F
Sermon JJ
Toth R
Benjaber M
Dijk DJ
Bogacz R
Worrell G
Valentin A
Duchet B
Volk HA
Denison T

2021. Front Neurosci, 15:734265.