The neuroanatomical organisation of the basal ganglia

Gerfen CR
Bolam JP
Steiner H
Tseng KY
Scientific Abstract

The basal ganglia, a group of forebrain nuclei, are involved in motor control, cognition, and mnemonic functions. Numerous disorders are associated with basal ganglia dysfunction - Parkinsons, Tourettes, Huntingtons, cerebral palsy, ADHD, and OCD - giving study a high degree of clinical relevance. This volume offers a comprehensive overview with general anatomical organization and evolution being covered in full, as well as detailed accounts of specific recent advances in anatomy, cellular/molecular, cellular/physiological mechanisms, and our understanding of the behavioral and clinical aspects of function and dysfunction. There is currently no reference that integrates the widely dispersed material on these structures and their functions, and this volume fills an important gap in neurobiological literature.

The neuroanatomical organisation of the basal ganglia
The neuroanatomical organisation of the basal ganglia
2010. , (): .
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