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Mancini V
Rochas V
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Rihs TA
Ferat V
Schneider M
Uhlhaas PJ
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2022. Am J Psychiatry, 179(3):204-215.

Sladky V
Nejedly P
Mivalt F
Brinkmann B
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Gregg NM
Lundstrom BN
Crowe CM
Attia TP
Crepeau D
Balzekas I
Marks VS
Wheeler LP
Cimbalnik J
Cook M
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2022. Brain Commun, 4(3):fcac115.

Topçu Ç
Marks VS
Saboo KV
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Kremen V
Worrell G
Kucewicz MT

2022. EBioMedicine, 82:104135.

Cimbalnik J
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Joseph B
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Van Gompel J
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2022. Sci Data, 9(1):6.

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2022. Sci Rep, 12(1):22298.

Unit Publication
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2022. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 35, 38232-38244
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2022. J Sleep Res, 31(6)e13603.

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2022. Brain Stimul, 15(6):1513-1516.

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2022. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 162:15561-15583
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2022. J. Vis., 22:4331
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2022. Nat Commun, 13(1):7530.

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In Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence‚ AAAI 2022 ‚Vancouver, BC, Canada, February 22--March 1‚ 2022 (Vol. 10177, pp. 507-524). AAAI Press.
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McNamara CG
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2022. Cell Rep, 41(6):111616.

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McHugh SB
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2022. Nat. Neurosci., 25(11):1481-1491.
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2022. NPJ Parkinsons Dis, 8(1):88.

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2022. Exp Neurol, 351:114008.

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2022. Exp Neurol, 351:113977.

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Patai EZ
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2022. J Neurosci, 42(23):4681-4692.

Unit Publication
Möller M
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2022. PLoS Comput Biol, 18(5)e1009816.

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Fleming JE
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Gilron R
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Zamora M
Dijk DJ
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2022. iScience, 25(4):104028.

Unit Publication
Weerasinghe G
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2022. WO/2022/029445
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2022. PLoS Comput Biol, 18(3)e1009887.

Unit Publication
Wiest C
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Pogosyan A
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Pereira EA
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2022. Exp Neurol, 351:113999.