Ioana and Ben win the Director’s Award for Open Research 2023

Ioana and Ben win the Director’s Award for Open Research 2023

Left, portrait photo of Ioana Grigoras. Right, photo of Ben Micklem.

Congratulations to Unit postdoctoral researcher Ioana Grigoras and Unit Research Support Manager Ben Micklem on co-winning the Director’s Award for Open Research for 2023.

The Award is given annually, on the basis of nominations made by Unit members, to recognise and celebrate the exemplary contributions of an individual or small collective to the Unit’s Open Research activities. The Award reflects diverse contributions to Open Research, from the sharing of data, code, experimental protocols and materials, to the promotion of best practice and the provision of enabling infrastructure.

Professor Peter Magill announced the Awards at the Unit’s recent Science Day. Professor Magill commented “It gives us all great pleasure to reward the achievements of these deserved winners. Ioana has demonstrated exceptional personal commitment to open research, trailblazing the use of registered reports as best practice. Ben has played critical roles in promoting and enabling our open research activities, including the creation and curation of the Unit’s Data Sharing Platform. I commend Ioana and Ben for leading by example and taking the Unit’s open research to new levels of excellence.”

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