Colin McNamara wins the Director’s Award for Open Research 2022

Colin McNamara wins the Director’s Award for Open Research 2022

Left, portrait photo of Dr Colin McNamara. Right, photo of the Award for Open Research.

Colin McNamara, winner of the Director’s Award for Open Research 2022.

Congratulations to Unit postdoctoral researcher Dr Colin McNamara on winning the Director’s Award for Open Research for 2022.

The Award is given annually, on the basis of nominations made by Unit members, to recognise and celebrate the exemplary contributions of an individual or small collective to the Unit’s Open Research activities. The Award reflects diverse contributions to Open Research, from the sharing of data, code, experimental protocols and materials, to the promotion of best practice and the provision of enabling infrastructure.

Colin’s Award was announced by Professor Peter Magill at the Unit’s Winter Science Day last week. Professor Magill commented “It is a great pleasure to recognise and reward Colin in this way. Colin has consistently promoted best practice in data management, bringing tangible benefits to Group colleagues as they curate and share their data. Colin has also used the Unit’s Data Sharing Platform to disseminate data and well-annotated code related to his recent research publication, and the Committee were impressed by the fact Colin did so while protecting the value of know-how and intellectual property.”

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