Unit’s researchers visit local primary school in Longwick

Unit’s researchers visit local primary school in Longwick

Controlling robotic arm with electrical signals from the muscles.

On 16th October 2018, Unit scienists Saed Khawaldeh and Rafal Bogacz visited Longwick Church of England Combined School near Oxford, where they met with about 50 pupils from Years 5 and 6. During the visit, Saed and Rafal led the pupils in discussions about how the brain is built and how it controls movements. The pupils experimented with brain-computer interfaces, and explored how a robotic arm can be controlled by electrical signals in muscles that are triggered by the brain. The pupils were also given opportunities to build pipecleaner models of nerve cell networks, and to see some of the Unit's brain tissue archive.

Year 5 teacher Ms Emma Pughe commented: “The children really enjoyed the visit and were very inspired to hear about the research. We invited the parents into school on Friday so that the children could share what they had learnt in Science Week. I could hear lots of the children telling their parents about the brains and robotic arms.”