Unit Science Day, Winter 2021

Unit Science Day, Winter 2021

Zoo screenshot showing webcam images of smiling faces of those taking part in the Science Day event on 10th December 2021.

The Unit held its thirteenth Science Day on Friday 10th December 2021. Unpublished work and future research projects were the focus of discussion, and Unit members and visitors enthusiastically took the opportunity to provide the constructive criticism that is vital for nurturing collaborative, multidisciplinary research.

There were 8 short research talks, all of which were given by the Unit’s early-career scientists. Attendees were also treated to two Keynote Lectures: A first by Dr. Leila Reddy of the Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition (CerCo), Toulouse, France, during which she detailed unique research insights into the encoding of sequence learning by human hippocampal neurons; and a second lecture by Dr. Armin Lak of the University of Oxford, in which he gave an engaging account of neuronal circuits important for learning from sensory confidence and reward value.

Unit Interim Director Professor Peter Magill commented: “It was exciting to see how the creative thinking and innovative experiments of the Unit’s students and postdoctoral staff are pushing back the frontiers of discovery and translational research. It was also a distinct pleasure to announce the inaugural winner of the Director’s Award for Open Research. Dr Shenghong He is a most deserving Award winner.”

Full resolution group screenshot.

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